On a basic level, hunting is excellent for increasing your money or having a constant meat supply to keep your camp running. You can make enough money to progress just playing along with the game, but hunting brings plenty of benefits that will make your playthrough easier and further increase your immersion.Īnyone who has had the chance to play Red Dead Redemption knows it’s all about immersion, and hunting is one of the unique opportunities the game offers. The first thing to understand is the importance of hunting at all in Red Dead Redemption 2. From the importance of pelts to choosing the right weapon, continue to find out everything you’ll ever need to hunt game in Red Dead 2 online.
We have all the tips that you will need to make sure that there won’t be a single creature left off your bestiary. Just like every other part of Red Dead Redemption 2, hunting in the game is full of depth, and there’s no simple way to track down every beast. Hunting in Red Dead 2 Online takes timing, patience, and preparation, along with the knowledge of how to track down your prey. It only takes a few seconds to miss your shot, but with a few minutes of reading, you’ll be well on your way to freezing time like the best hunters as you line up your shot. If you are tired of watching the big one getaway, this ultimate guide to hunting in Red Dead Redemption 2 is your recipe for success.